The Benefits Of Fue

Fue micro graft has many advantages. The scars caused by the removal and transplantation are so tiny that they are not visible to the naked eye, even when the skull is shaved. This method is painless since the area to be sampled does not need to be sutured. In addition, this technique is very interesting for people who have suffered from alopecia because the result is very natural. The precision of the operation makes it possible to give volume to the sparse hair. 

Moreover, thanks to the technique new dense, one of the latest technological innovations in the field, it is not only possible to grow FUE Transplant Cost In Pakistan on the areas where strips were taken to hide the scars that result, but also to find the density of his hair in one sitting. 

The Disadvantages Of Fue:
The first downside of such an operation is its very high cost. This technique is not accessible to everyone. From a technical point of view, the duration of the operation, compared to the strip sampling technique, is longer. Moreover, it is not suitable for important baldness. It is therefore reserved for small tonsures. 

Complications are rare. However, they can occur as micro-abscesses at implanted grafts. The possibility of asymmetry is also to be considered. This is the case when the grafts, of poor quality, do not take and they end up falling without possibility of regrowth. 

The Modalities Of The Intervention:
Fue is performed under local anesthesia. It is not a heavy operation. However, precautions should be taken both before and after the procedure, the first being to meet the transplant doctor. He will give you various tests, including a blood test, to determine your overall health. 

Any medication that may cause bleeding, such as aspirin as well as anti-inflammatory drugs should be suspended 10 days before surgery. To make sure that the medicine you are taking does not contain any, always check the composition on the package leaflet. Inform the doctor of any current treatment or possible allergies. 

The day before and the day of the transplant, make a shampoo to rid your scalp of any trace of impurity. Have clothes open at the front because after the transplant, you will not be able to get your shirt or t-shirt over your head. Hospitalization is not necessary, you can go home just after the operation. However, you will not be able to drive in the hours following the intervention.

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